Purchasing shares of ARVEST funds

Private Investors

ARVEST investment funds are available at any bank in Switzerland. To buy shares of ARVEST funds just instruct your bank to buy your desired ARVEST fund.

You can contact your bank through your usual means of communication  (phone, e-mail) or fill out our subscription form and send it to your house bank.

More Information is available at:
Swissquote Bank SA ARVEST Funds AG
Chemin de la Crétaux 33 Bahnhofstrasse 37
1196 Gland 8001 Zürich
Tel. +41 44 825 88 88 Tel. +41 44 552 50 20
Fax +41 44 825 88 89 Fax +41 44 552 50 39

Institutional Investors

Swiss Banks please order via our custodian bank Swissquote Bank SA by fax +41 22 999 95 11.

Should you require any further information please call: +41 22 999 9429 / 9657 / 9446.